Let your money go where you cannot
Join our fundraising events with like-minded people and have great fun doing it. Support us to sustain our Alma Mater.
Donate in money – Donate in kind – Donate in skills
The key purpose of Union of Old Saint Monicans is to support the maintenance, sustenance and posterity of our Alma Mater through on-going fundraising activities. Our aim is to ensure that the cluster of schools established by the Order Of The Holy Paraclete (OHP) in Ghana decades ago continue to offer excellent educational experience to it’s beneficiaries.
If you have found yourself on this page, then we believe you have an understanding of the pressing need of our noble cause and you do appreciate that schools require the backing of kind supporters like you to make it happen.
We are requesting for donations of any amount. Though this may be preferably money, larger organisations, however, are welcome to donate learning resources, building materials and human resources in the form of training services.
We believe that when it comes to giving to a good cause no amount is too small and every donation given will be highly appreciated and acknowledged.
Please call us at 07730471466 or Email us: [email protected] or [email protected]